Humor is Healthy

Everybody Needs to Laugh!

Health Benefits of Laughter:
- Stimulates organs 
- Increases endorphins 
- Eases digestion
- Speeds up healing
- Relieves pain 
[Source: Robert Provine, University of Maryland]

Humor really is the best medicine you can buy without a prescription. Research shows that the benefits of laughter on health are no joke! Our relatable style of family-friendly humor taps into common experiences that connect us all through laughter. That's why Avanti Press greeting cards are trademarked The Global Humor Brand™.

  • Avanti Press cards speak the language of laughter in over 25 countries!
  • Avanti Press creates niche humor solutions to fill the humor gap
  • Avanti Press has 3 unique brands with different styles of humor


“Even one minute of laughter can give the body up to 45 minutes of therapeutic relaxation. It also reduces heart rate and stimulates appetite and digestion” 
– Henri Rubenstein (French Neurologist)

Did you know?

  • A study of nurses who work in emergency rooms found that nurses who use humor in dealing with their patients and co-workers experience greater job satisfaction and feelings of personal accomplishment. 
    [Source: Laughter as Therapy, Oxford Journal of Health]

Humor is #1

Our research also shows that humor is one of the most important attributes shoppers seek in a greeting card.

Avanti adds variety by creating a humor destination that makes it easy for shoppers to find what they are looking for in all the card categories they want to buy! At Avanti, the #1 ingredient is humor. With our one-of-a-kind look we deliver a branded humor solution at a variety of price points that satisfy the craving for both value and quality. It fills the humor gap. Our content transcends demographic boundaries of age, gender and ethnicity, making Avanti displays a one-stop shop for all your shoppers’ humor needs!

"Laughter is the closest distance between two people." 
-- Victor Borge