Who is Mr. Fluffybuns?

We found this rooster on a farm in Southern Oklahoma. His actual name is Mr. Fluffybuns and he likes to dress up in overalls like you see here. We had lots of fun photos to choose from as he strutted around the farm!

Once we found the perfect shot, there was still a lot of work needed to be done behind the scenes in order to transform him into an Avanti character!

We added some Avanti magic to the photo – including...

  • transported him to a new farm
  • "stonewashed" his denim
  • fixed his shoulder straps
  • gave him some sensible work boots
  • added a stylish farm cap, a sprig of hay, and a jaunty tilt to his head.

If you look really closely, you'll see that his eyes are a little more expressive and his grin has just a little bit of attitude!

Having added these details, the character really delivered the final verse:

Getting older ain’t for chickens.
Happy Birthday